Collective Narrative

With the emergence of social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, etc, sharing stories has become an essential part of people’s everyday lives. A visual multi-perspective story is a particular type of story that integrates pictures and ideas from different perspectives, it has also gained popularity as social platforms provide the opportunity for people to interact with others who have distinct backgrounds. However, storytelling is a labor-intensive process that requires expertise. Meanwhile, finding unbiased, first-hand visual sources is also an obstacle for novice creators due to the lack of reliable resources. We present CN API, a storytelling framework that helps motivated novice content creators create multi-perspective stories and scaffold sourcing relevant pictures collaboratively from participating perspective groups through a context-aware mechanism. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and its capability of scaffolding authors to create representative multi-perspective stories.

Figure 1: Creator uses the CN API story and scene structure to organize the story script for multiple participating groups. The Cerebro Engine uses the script to orchestrate picture contributions from each group to build the visual story using the CN Application. Viewers can see the resulting story created using the CN Application.

Figure 2: Screenshots of the CN contributor interfaces, including the prestory page and participate page

Figure 3: The resulting story of Life in a Day between the U.S. and India
- None
Ph.D. Students
- 🎓 Ryan Louie
Masters and Undergraduate Students
- 🎓 Kevin Cheng
- 🎓 Pablo Gupta
- 🎓 David Lee
- 🎓 Eunice Lee
- 🎓 Jenny Chang
- 🎓 Nina Cong
- 🎓 Parveen Dhanoa
- 🎓 Richard Lam