Metacognitive Reflection

Metacognitive Reflection

This project specifically examines how to support student-researchers in improving their metacognitive processes as they work on independently-lead research. Prior research has introduced systems that scaffold students to reflect on their process as they work on through problems they are stuck on in subjects such as geometry, reading comprehension, and anatomy. However, there are no systems that can scaffold metacognitive reflection in complex, open-ended work like design research, where students may have to reflect on and address many aspects of their metacognitive practices and where specific knowledge of students’ metacognitive behaviors may be necessary to determine metacognitive risks and strategies for overcoming these risks. Our systems aims to provide scaffolding to improve students' metacognitive practices and work processes while leveraging community knowledge and providing support based on the student's current metacognitive risks.

Currently, we have developed a new model that consists of an on-action dashboard and in-action cues. The on-action dashboard gives users a chance to reflect on these metacognitive improvements and reassess their metacognitive risks before their weekly planning meetings with their mentors. This allows students to iteratively reflect on and track their metacognitive behavior to increase their ability to self-regulate these processes. During the meeting, the mentor gives the students feedback on their risks and help them develop an action plan to address them. This plan is then sent to the mentees during relevant work session to remind them to incorporate their these metacognitive process changes into their work.

We recently presented our work at CHI 2022 in New Orleans as a part of the late-breaking work track. If interested, you can read our extended abstract here.

Metacognitive Reflection image 1

Figure 1: 4-box model



  • Haoqi Zhang

Ph.D. Students

  • 🎓 Leesha Maliakal Shah

Masters and Undergraduate Students

  • 🎓 Neha Sharma
  • 🎓 Isaac Miller
  • 🎓 Molly Pribble
  • 🎓 Olivia Gallager
  • 🎓 Victoria Cabales
  • 🎓 Zev Stravitz