Human-AI Tools for Accounting for Differences: Reference System

Human-AI Tools for Accounting for Differences: Reference System

When designers design a new, abstract, experience, there are various hidden dimensions of hidden considerations, and they might want to visualize how one concept varies throughout a dataset across different dimensions of interest. Our project focuses on developing an automated system to support the projection of datasets onto concrete or abstract reference systems based on designers’ queries and ways to understand the differences between different contexts in the reference system. The system incorporates differentiated models to provide more detailed insights about how the concept that the designer cares about works differently among groups defined in the reference system, and lastly, provides interactive and informative visualizations to enhance the designer’s brainstorming process.

Human-AI Tools for Accounting for Differences: Reference System image 1

Figure 1: Demonstration of User CLI



  • None

Ph.D. Students

  • None

Masters and Undergraduate Students

  • JiaChen (Jackie) He
  • Xinyue (Shirley) Zhang